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Get step-by-step instructions on changing the number of rings before answering 

Login to the Fidium Insider Portal.

  • Step 1: From the dashboard, click the "GEARS" button on the left.
  • Step 2: Choose "PHONE".
  • Step 3: Then, click "MANAGE FEATURES".

3 Rings snapshot steps 1-3

  • Step 4: From the Phone Management Dashboard, Choose "USER" from the left navigation
  • Step 5: Select the phone number from the list for which you'd like to change the number of rings.

3 Rings snapshot steps 4-5

  • Step 6: Select, "USER SERVICE SETTINGS" from the left navigation.

3 Rings snapshot steps 6

  • Step 7: Select, "VOICE MESSAGING USER" from list.

3 Rings snapshot steps 7

  • Step 8: Select, "GREETINGS"
  • Step 9: Then click the "GEARS" icon to edit the number of Rings before Greeting.

3 Rings snapshot steps 8-9

  • Step 10: Make your selection of how many ring you prefer, then hit "SAVE" button.

3 Rings snapshot steps 10

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