Can't find your address? Give us a call at 1.844.4.FIDIUM (1.844.434.3486)
Address not found. Please type slowly and select from the listed options,
Address not found. Please type slowly and select from the listed options,

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Navigating the Attune™ WiFi App

We’ve made the Fidium Attune™ WiFi app easy to explore!

Download Attune WiFi Guide


Just tap the icon on the home screen of where you would like to go. View content by moving from left to right along the top to the desired section, then by scrolling up and down the list.

iOS homescreen view

iOS homescreen

1. Network map
2. WiFi gateway
3. Your device
4. Main menu
5. People
6. All devices on your network

Android homescreen view

Android homescreen

1. Main menu
2. WiFi gateway
3. Your device
4. Network map
5. People
6. All devices on your network

App icons and features in more detail

App main menu

Main menu: Check out settings and information for Adaptive WiFi, security features, support options and more.

App WiFi gateway

WiFi gateway: View data and info about your most active devices, run speed tests and more.

Your device on app

Your device: Click to see details of your device interacting with the Attune app.

WiFi network map

Network map: Shows you a map of each network extender’s (AKA pod’s) location, you can select a pod to view details (tip: name your pods based on the room in which they are located).

Create profiles on app

People: Here you can create and manage all profiles for users and devices.

Devices on your network

All devices on your network: View and manage setting for all devices on your network.

Control app features

Control™ features: Create visitor passwords and customize device access.

Guard app features

Guard™ features: Enable levels of security based on your usage.

Adapt app features

Adapt™ features: Access and manage features for optimum network set up.

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