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Fidium Hub

Arcola celebrating new fiber network from Fidium on Dec. 2

Local officials, business leaders and community members will celebrate Arcola’s new distinction as a Gig Town at a ribbon cutting on Dec. 2, following the completion of Consolidated Communication’s new all-fiber internet network. With this fiber network now serving the community, Arcola can now benefit from the myriad economic, educational, employment and entertainment benefits that accompany better internet availability.

Mapleton to be named Gig Town by Fidium Fiber at Snowflake Dazzle on Nov. 29

Local officials, business lead­ers and community members will celebrate Mapleton’s new distinction as a Gig Town at a ribbon cutting on Nov. 29, fol­lowing the completion of Consolidated’s new all-fiber network serving the communi­ty. Mapleton can now benefit from the myriad economic, educational, employment and entertainment benefits that accompany better internet access.

How Much Does Fiber Internet Cost In 2023?

The gigabit fiber optic internet price has gone up over the years, but the service quality has also been improving. So if you’re wondering about the fiber internet monthly cost and whether or not it’s a worthwhile investment, we’ll get into it.
